The fifth meeting of INNOVET: Thematic Team best practices sessions’ organisation
The fifth meeting of the INNOVET project was held online on 17th of May 2021 and had as main objectives the planning of the Thematic Team event in June, more specifically the part related with the afternoon sessions, i.e. the exchange of best practices. The best practices for the presentation at the event will be […]
The fourth meeting of INNOVET on the first Thematic Team seminar organisation
The fourth meeting of the INNOVET project was held online on 13th of April 2021 bringing together all partners’ representatives to discuss mainly two topics. The meeting focused on a discussion of the program of the first Thematic Team Seminar and the final definition of the quality criteria to map best practices which will be shared in the framework of […]
Towards the first thematic seminar organisation at the third meeting of INNOVET
The third meeting of the INNOVET project was held on 10th of March 2021 in a virtual format with the presence of all partners’ representatives. After the welcoming of the participants and a brief introduction of the agenda, a review on the survey results on the risk management strategy was presented and it was mostly related to the COVID-19 limitations on traveling. An additional and […]
The second project meeting of INNOVET was hosted online by EfVET
The second INNOVET project meeting was held online on the 21st of January 2021, hosted by EfVET. It saw the participation of all the other partners involved, including VET Colleges and Mobility Institutions: UNISER (Italy), SEPR (France), Ylä-Savo College (Finland), TEC (Denmark), Incoma (Spain), Roc Da Vinci (Netherlands), Heilig-Hartinstituut T. O. (Belgium). An initial update on Admin, Dissemination and Quality was provided, a content related part followed which synthesizes what will be the […]
The kick-off meeting of INNOVET: INNOvation in VET through the exchange of good practices
INNOVET – “INNOvation in VET through the exchange of good practices” kick-off meeting took place on the 26th of November and brought together 7 partners among VET Colleges and Mobility Institutions in addition to EfVET, as follows: UNISER – Italy SEPR – France Ylä-Savo College – Finland TEC – Denmark Incoma – Spain Roc Da Vinci – Netherlands […]