INNOVET project

Fostering INNOvation in VET through the exchange of good practices

The fourth meeting of INNOVET on the first Thematic Team seminar organisation

The fourth meeting of the INNOVET project was held online on 13th of April 2021 bringing together all partners’ representatives to discuss mainly two topics. 

The meeting focused on a discussion of the program of the first Thematic Team Seminar and the final definition of the quality criteria to map best practices which will be shared in the framework of the event. 

With the premise that the first Thematic Team event will be held in a virtual format in June, the program was defined and it includes three days with two different sessions each, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. 

On the morning sessions the objectives of the 2021 edition of the EfVET Conference will be shared, followed by an update about the state of play of the activities of the two Thematic Teams VET 4.0 and Int&LM. Two speeches on topics such as new program priorities: green, sustainability, inclusion, digitalisation, etc. will be given and the new TT and the opportunity to get involved will be presented. 

These sessions will also be an opportunity for participants to get involved into interactive activities about what they would like to work on at the EfVET Conference, as well as into TT workshops. The afternoon sessions will be focused on the sharing of the best practices based on the Quality criteria previously defined for their mapping. 

It was decided to consider in total Quality criteria to map best practices as follows: 

STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT: Stakeholder engagement approach is related to the engagement and active contribution of different target groups in the process by means of consultation, active participation in the design, implementation, and evaluation phases. 

TRANSFERABILITY: Defined as the degree to which a good practice can easily be transposed/replicable in other contexts. At system level it refers to how a policy or good practice can be transferred from one EU country or region to another, and which parameters should be taken into account. At the organisational level it refers to how a policy or good practice can be transferred from one type of organization or sector to another. 

INNOVATION: Innovation can be considered as the approach followed and specific techniques used to increase the interest and involvement of the target groups, the diversity of methods and techniques and the content. It is here understood as a broad concept aiming at understanding what has the Practice brought as a new idea or approach compared to what was done before. Not linked to the results but to the process. 

DIGITALISATION: It refers to the development of digital competences involving the confident, critical, and responsible use of, and engagement with, digital technologies for learning, at work, and for participation in society. 

SUSTAINABILITY: It refers to the elements that should be put into place for this best practice to be institutionally, socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable. 

We are very enthusiastic about the launch of the event and we will keep you informed about it in order for you to join!