INNOVET project

Fostering INNOvation in VET through the exchange of good practices

The kick-off meeting of INNOVET: INNOvation in VET through the exchange of good practices

INNOVET – “INNOvation in VET through the exchange of good practices” kick-off meeting took place on the 26th of November and brought together 7 partners among VET Colleges and Mobility Institutions in addition to EfVET, as follows:

  • UNISER – Italy
  • SEPR – France
  • Ylä-Savo College – Finland
  • TEC – Denmark
  • Incoma –  Spain
  • Roc Da Vinci – Netherlands
  • Heilig-Hartinstituut T. O. – Belgium

The KA2 INNOVET project is coordinated by EfVET and funded by the Flemish National Agency, and it aims at developing a format for a transnational conference (ONE-STOP-SHOP) where VET Schools can meet and exchange practices and discuss relevant themes related to VET 4.0 and Internationalisation and Learning Mobility. 

The kick-off meeting, initially planned to take place in Brussels, was held online and was organised in 2 parts: on one hand the overall presentation of the projects, its activities, timetable, dissemination and quality management plans and all administrative and financial requirements and steps. On the other hand, an initial exchange regarding what could be the focus areas of the project.

One interesting aspect of the INNOVET project is its link to EfVET Thematic Teams on VET 4.0 and Internationalisation and Learning Mobility. The state of art of both Teams was shared during the meeting and inspired the exchange regarding the focus areas and methodologies that can be further explored regarding the ONE-STOP-SHOP conference. It also led to a very interesting conversation about the overarching team – the future of VET.

The ONE-STOP-SHOP Conference will be launched in October 2021 and refined in October 2022. Two Thematic Seminars will be organised: the first one with the purpose of testing the methodology (ahead of the Conference) and the second one with the main goal of refining it. During these thematic seminars, partners of INNOVET will bring successful practices in the areas of VET 4.0 and Internationalisation and Learning Mobility.

Stay tuned, we will keep you posted.