The third meeting of the INNOVET project was held on 10th of March 2021 in a virtual format with the presence of all partners’ representatives.
After the welcoming of the participants and a brief introduction of the agenda, a review on the survey results on the risk management strategy was presented and it was mostly related to the COVID-19 limitations on traveling. An additional and final revision and selection of the Quality Criteria for Best Practices was made by all the participants.
The second part of the meeting was dedicated to an overview of the INNOVET Thematic Seminars and its current status was provided: currently the first thematic seminar is being planned for June. Its development has been introduced and will be further discussed together with the partnership.
The targets of such thematic seminar are:
- Coordinators of the Thematic Teams
- Members of the Thematic Teams (Coordinators and some Members from each partner country). EfVET staff and some representatives of the EfVET Steering Committee are expected to attend.
The main purpose is to bring together Members of the Internationalisation and Learning Mobility and the VET 4.0 Thematic Teams to:
- share progresses of the work done
- share best practices (from each one of the partner countries) on themes considered as a priority
- Getting inspirational insights and external inputs on themes considered as priorities
The themes and Quality criteria to map best practices in each country are the followings:
- FLEXIBILITY: Degree of adaptability in different context / VET institutes in the different aspects regarding the preparation, implementation, and monitoring processes.
- RESULTS: Demonstrable and tangible evidence of the results including the description of the methodology used for the identification, assessment and review of the outcomes. It includes attention to qualitative and quantitative measures.
- INNOVATION: Innovation generally encompasses the entire process, which ultimately results in the provision of new products, models and services, and/or the provision of the same product and services but in a more efficient way. It includes the processes whereby new ideas are generated, proved and adjusted through prototype work, integrated with existing products and processes, tested and fully delivered.
- DIGITALISATION: Promotion of the development of digital competences involves the confident, critical and responsible use of, and engagement with, digital technologies for learning, at work, and for participation in society. It includes information and data literacy, communication and collaboration, media literacy, digital content creation (including programming), safety (including digital well-being and competences related to cybersecurity), intellectual property related questions, problem solving and critical thinking.
- SUSTAINABILITY: Maintaining and continuing the practices in time (ex. after the funding period is over); Do not harm the environment so that natural resources are still available in the future.
At the next meeting which will be held in April, a working session on training event general organisation, the validation of the road map for the Thematic Seminar and development of working activities distribution will be discussed.