Collaborative approach to be ready for the future skills needed

Collaborative approach to be ready for the future skills needed – working with regional stakeholders and other VET colleges At the INNOVET Training Event organised by EfVET and hosted by SEPR in Lyon, France, partners from Da Vinci College and YSAO College presented two ways to collaborate in colleges during one of the workshops. The […]

The second INNOVET catalogue of best practices

Following the three-day event from last 3rd to 5th of May 2022 with a presentation of the best practices collected by the INNOVET partnership – internal or external to it – we are designing a document which constitutes the second INNOVET catalogue of best practices. The catalogue is a very structured document where some basic […]

EfVET organised the second INNOVET Training Event in Lyon, France

EfVET organised the second INNOVET Training Event which took place from May 3 to 5, 2022 in Lyon, France. The event was hosted by SEPR (Société d’Enseignement Professionnel du Rhône) and attended by about 60 practitioners from all partners’ organisations together with 20 from Western Balkans and relevant stakeholders. The seminar was conceived to boost […]

SEPR to run a series of activities related to internationalisation for INNOVET

In the framework of the Training Seminar foreseen by the INNOVET project, SEPR – the host partner – will run a series of activities related to internationalisation:  Facilitation of a workshop titled ‘Cross-mobility as a solution to long term apprentices’ mobility (dual training)’ Present two good practices:  📌 ‘Internationalisation@Home: 3 examples of projects moving from […]

Uniser to present different good practices at the INNOVET Training Event

In the framework of the Training Seminar foreseen by the INNOVET project, Uniser will run a series of activities: Facilitate two workshops: 📌‘Erasmus+ without papers: What it is and how to get started’ related to sustainability and internationalisation 📌‘Incoming Mobility: A concrete way to develop Internationalization@home’ related to internationalisation Present five good practices related to […]

The third day of the INNOVET webinar: Thematic Teams and best practices from partners

On the 3rd of June, the morning session was dedicated to an introduction of the Internationalization & Learning Mobility Thematic Theme with a warm welcome by the two Coordinators Andre Schoonhoven and Andrea Lombardi and an introduction of some experiences of restarting from: Marit De Ouden, Deltion, The Netherlands Giulia Quaglietti, replaced by Annalisa Palano, […]

The second day of the INNOVET webinar: Thematic Teams and best practices from partners

On the 2nd of June, the morning session was introduced by the Keynote Speaker Dr. Tuomo Kuosa, Director, Co-founder and Futurist at Futures Platform. Dr. Kuosa stated that the most important thing affecting the future of VET 4.0 is the public/private funding, the future concerning qualification, learning on demand and its directions. From 4 scenarios […]

The first day of the INNOVET webinar: Thematic Teams and best practices from partners

The first transnational event organised by the INNOVET partners and hosted by EfVET was held online from the 1st to the 3rd of June in a virtual format. Its main aim was an intense exchange of practices focused on thematic areas selected as priorities by EfVET members through a bottom-up approach, namely Internationalisation and Technology […]